My day begins at about eight thirty in the morning. I find my way to the kitchen, pour a generous cup of coffee, plop down on the couch and watch the news on TV. My husband, who gets up earlier than me, greets me , but he avoids chit-chat until I return for a second cup of coffee. An hour or so later, I sit down at the computer and research something to post on my Facebook Fan Page and Twitter. Since French Illusions is set in France, I tie many of these posts to this subject, throwing in quotes or a recent life experience to break it up a bit. Next, I check sales ranking and reviews on Amazon. Often this is the most stressful part of my day. Most of my reviews are four and five stars, but occasionally I get a real clunker that makes my heart ache. Now that I’m writing my sequel, French Encore, I dedicate a few hours each morning to this project. I can’t sit for long periods of time without my neck hurting, so I switch back and forth between my desk and a standing computer station. Often, my husband has to remind me to get up and move around. Once I get the creative juices going, it’s hard to lay my manuscript aside and walk away.